The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has completed the construction of the Drinking Water Processing Installation (IPA) with a capacity of 1,110 liters per second along with the Regional-scale Main Distribution Network (JDU) to fulfill piped drinking water services in the cities of Medan, Binjai, and Deli Serdang (field).
In addition to serving drinking water needs for the community, this piping drinking water service is also projected to support the needs of the 2024 National Sports Week (PON) water venue in North Sumatra (North Sumatra).
"SPAM services are prioritized to meet domestic needs so that people enjoy quality drinking water at affordable, sustainable prices for 24 hours, and improve public health improvements related to clean water," said PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono in a written statement, Thursday, August 10.
The construction of the Regional Medium SPAM will be carried out in stages starting in 2017 in the form of an Intake with a capacity of 2,300 liters per second and a raw water transmission pipe with a diameter of 900 millimeters (mm).
Furthermore, in January 2021-December 2022, the North Sumatra PPW Center built a concrete IPA with a capacity of 1,100 liters per second, a production reservoir of 6,000 cubic meters, as well as mechanical and electrical piping work.
The work was carried out by contractor PT Adhi Karya (Persero) with the 2021-2022 State Budget budget worth IDR 236.2 billion with 100 percent completion of construction progress.
In January 2021, the Ministry of PUPR through the North Sumatra Region Settlement Infrastructure Center, the Directorate General of Human Settlements, also built a main distribution network in the form of a welded steel spiral pipe with a diameter of 1,200-1,400 mm, HDPE pipe, offtaker reservoir Binjai 2,500 cubic meters and Deli Serdang 3,000 cubic meters, as well as supporting buildings.
The work was carried out by contractor PT Brantas Abipraya-PT Hutama Karya (KSO) with the 2020-2023 State Budget budget worth IDR 497.3 billion and the construction progress was 100 percent complete.
Total Regional Medium SPAM services Phase I reached 1,100 liters per second. Thus, the need for piped drinking water in Medan, Binjai, and Deli Serdang areas has been met at around 64 percent or as much as 7,000 liters of the total required is around 11,000 per second.
"It is hoped that with the addition of the Phase I Regional SPAM with a capacity of 1,100 liters/second, it will be able to help meet the water needs in the area of around 73.63 percent," said Basuki.
The source of raw water SPAM Regional Medangi comes from the Bingei River which crosses the districts of Karo, Langkat, and Binjai City with a discharge of 6,000 liters per second.
Regional Medium SPAM is targeted to be able to serve drinking water needs for 88,000 House Connections (SR) or equivalent to 440,000 people with service areas covering 10 sub-districts in Medan City, 2 sub-districts in Binjai City, and 1 sub-district in Deli Serdang Regency.
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