JAKARTA - PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk (WSKT) managed to record a new contract value (NKB) of IDR 7.82 trillion until June 2023. This NKB acquisition is still dominated by government projects of 66.24 percent.

Waskita Karya's SVP Corporate Secretary (WSKT) Ermy Puspa Yunita explained, based on project ownership, in addition to government projects, followed by State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) and Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD) at 13.62 percent, private projects at 1.29 percent, and Subsidiaries at 18.85 percent.

"Until now, the Government still believes in appointing Waskita to work on national strategic projects. Meanwhile, based on the segmentation of the total NKB project, it comes from connectivity infrastructure at 53.49 percent, water resource infrastructure (SDA) at 15.70 percent, buildings at 11.80 percent, EPC at 1.25 percent, and subsidiaries at 17.76 percent," said Ermy in a written statement, quoted Thursday, July 20.

Several projects with the largest contribution until June 2023 are the Bayung Lencir Tempino Section 1 Toll Road Development Project in South Sumatra amounting to IDR 582 billion, the Peterongan Irrigation Network Improvement and Rehabilitation Project in Mrican Package 2 amounting to IDR 115 billion, Urban Flood Control System Improved In Selected Cities Phase 2 Bima Sub Project (Package 4A) worth IDR 112 billion.

"In addition to domestic projects, the Company also achieved foreign projects, namely Road Quality Improvement from Tono Market to Oesilo, Rehabilitation of two existing bridges worth IDR 513 billion and the Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport Existing Runway project worth IDR 1.1 trillion in Timor Leste," explained Ermy.

Currently, continued Ermy, the company is focusing on working on 7 IKN project packages with a total contract value of IDR 7.22 trillion and in the portion of Waskita's contract value working on the project of IDR 4.33 trillion. The IKN project that Waskita worked on included the IKN Toll Road Project Section 5A, the Sepaku Segment 4 Ring Road Project.

There is also a project of the Presidential Secretariat Building and Support Building Facilities, Building and Area Projects of the Coordinating Ministry (Kemenko) Package 3, Building and Area Projects of the Coordinating Ministry for Package 4, Wastewater Processing Installation (IPAL) 1, 2, 3 and finally, namely the Peder Street project, Central Government Core Area (KIPP) District, which was just signed in early last July.

In addition, Ermy explained, Waskita focuses on improving capabilities for human resources, value engineering, and developing technology and digitizing through BIM & green construction. His party has started to apply this to on going projects, especially in the IKN project. The company also employs more than 60 percent of local workers in IKN projects.

"On the other hand, Waskita is committed to increasing the implementation of good corporate governance (GCG) and careful risk management in every line of companies, so that the Company's fundamentals can strengthen", Ermy continued.

According to Ermy, currently the Company is very selective in choosing projects, especially in terms of payment certainty, there are down payment and monthly payment and it has gone through the Construction Risk Management Committee so that it is hoped that the projects obtained by Waskita can run smoothly and on time and have a positive impact on the company's performance.

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