JAKARTA - Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Tutuka Ariadji revealed that the progress of the construction of the Cirebon Semarang (Cisem) I natural gas transmission pipeline has reached 96 percent.

Tutuka explained, along with the increasing number of natural gas reserves in the country, the Government also continues to encourage the use of natural gas in the country.

"The government is trying to increase the role of natural gas as the'main role' of the energy transition in Indonesia. One of these is realized through the construction of natural gas transmission pipelines for the Cirebon Semarang (Cisem) section," he told the media, Monday, July 17.

Tutuka added that the construction of the Cisem natural gas transmission pipeline is one of the National Strategic Projects (PSN) which aims to increase access to natural gas for the entire community and industry.

Just so you know, this Cisem transmission pipe is part of the transmission pipeline interconnect plan between the transmission pipeline network of Sumatra, West Java and the East Java transmission pipeline network.

Tutuka further revealed that the budget for the construction of the Cisem Phase II natural gas transmission pipeline (Satang - Kandang Haur Timur season) is currently in the completion stage and is included in the APBN with a multi-year contract scheme for the 2024-2025 project period.

After the construction of the CISEM pipeline stages I and II is completed, the Government plans to build a 400 km Dumai-Sei Mangke transmission section. Later, when the Dumai - Sei Mangke section is complete, the excess gas in East Java can be transferred to West Java, even to Arun, said Tutuka.

This transmission pipeline is expected to be one of the solutions to improve the accessibility of natural gas, most of which comes from gas fields in East Java to Central Java.

This transmission pipeline was built not only to facilitate the industry, but also as one of the Government's efforts to be able to provide gas at affordable prices to the public.

"With the construction of transmission pipes using the APBN, it is hoped that the selling price of gas will also be cheaper. Because the toll-fees can be cheap because of the state budget costs. If gas is cheap, the industry buys gas at low prices, so it also helps grow the industry. It is also hoped that later the price of gas that reaches the community can also be cheaper if there is infrastructure," explained Tutuka.

The auction process for the construction of the Cisem Phase II natural gas transmission pipeline from Batang to Kandang Haur Timur is planned to be carried out by the end of 2023.

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