JAKARTA - KAI Commuter and KAI Daop 1 Jakarta adjusted the schedule for commuter line travel operations at Manggarai Station on Saturday 8 July night until Sunday 9 July in the morning.

VP Corporate Secretary of KAI Commuter Anne Purba said this adjustment was made to optimize the process of installing Railway Infrastructure which will be carried out by the Class I Railway Engineering Center for the Jakarta and Banten Regions (BTPWJB) of the Ministry of Transportation.

Thus, the following is the schedule for canceling the commuter line trip khsus Saturday 8 July 2023:

1. KA 1452 Jakarta City - Depok relations departing 23.40 WIB arrived 00.38 WIB2. KA 1454 Jakarta City - Bogor connection departing 23.50 WIB arrived at 01.24 WIB3. KA 5181 Cikarang - Angke leaving 22.27 WIB arrived 23.38 WIB4. KA 5182 Angke - Cikarang connection departed 23.47 WIB arriving at 01.05 WIB5. KA 5597 Cikarang - Kampung Bandan leaving 21.15 WIB arrived 22.37 WIB6. KA 5598 Relation Kampung Bandan - Cikarang departed 22.38 WIB arrived 23.47 WIB arrived 23.57 WIB arrived 23.59 Cikarang - Manggarai train departing 23.58 WIB arrived 00.52 WIB8. KA 5166 Angke - Cikarang connection departed 22.02 WIB arrived 23.19 WIB 9. KA 5191 Cikarang - Manggarai connection departed 23.37 WIB arrived 00.27 WIB 10. KA 5183A Cikarang - Angke relation departed 22.35 WIB arrived 23.50 WIB 11. KA 584 Angke - Manggarai connection departed 23.59 WIB arrived 00.23 WIB 12. 5168 Kampung Bandan - Bekab leaving 22.15 WIB arrived 23.17 WIB arrived 23.5790 WIB13. KA 5790 Kampung Bandan - Manggarai relation departed 22.25 WIB arrived 22.58 WIB.

In addition, there are additional commuter line trips specifically Saturday, July 8, 2023 with the following schedule.

1. Jakarta - Bogor departing 23.40 WIB arrived 01.08 WIB2. Manggarai - Bogor departed 21.44 WIB arriving 22.58 WIB3. Bogor - Depok departed 23.10 WIB arrived 23.40 WIB4. Cikarang - Manggarai departed 22.27 WIB arrived 23.14 WIB5. Cikarang - Manggarai departed 21.15 WIB arrived 22.04 WIB 6. Angke - Manggarai departed 22.02 WIB arrived 22.26 WIB7. Cikarang- Manggarai departed 22.35 WIB arrived 23.23 WIB8. Kampung Bandan - Cikarang departed 22.15 WIB arrived 23.40 WIB9. Bandan - Bekasi village departed 22.26 WIB arrived 23.32 WIB.

"KAI Commuter apologizes for adjusting the pattern of commuter line travel operations," said Anne.

KAI Commuter also urges users who want to use commuters to rearrange their departures, especially at night according to these schedules.

Further information about commuterline travel can be accessed through the C-Access application or social media account @commuterline and call center 021-121.

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