JAKARTA - Tickets for the Jakarta Bandung High Speed Train (KCJB) will be free after the soft opening is held on August 18.

This step was taken in order to introduce the mode of transportation to the public.

Then, can all people take the free fast train?

Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi said this high-speed train ticket was indeed free during trials from August to officially commercial assistance.

But unfortunately, Budi revealed that not all people can try the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Train for free. This means that only people who meet the requirements can try it.

"Soft operation, trial (August 18). Passengers have not been set tariff, free until October. But the passengers will be selected," he told reporters, written Friday, June 23.

Meanwhile, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan admitted that he received directions from President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to provide free tickets for the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train during the trial period.

Luhut said, people who can try to take the first high-speed train in Indonesia are those who are located along the KCJB route.

"So the President gave instructions, that we give our people in this stage of the rail, to try this train for free," said Luhut.

Regarding this free ticket, the Director of PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia (KCIC) said that his party would prepare an invitation to be sent to eligible people.

"So later the soft launching will be from August to October before the operation we will give a kind of invitation," said Dwiyana.

Dwiyana said, during this trial the elected people could try the high-speed train to the last stop station, namely Tegalluar.

However, continued Dwiyana, the public also had the opportunity to use a feeder train or feeder from Padalarang Station if they wanted to continue their journey to the center of Bandung.

For your information, when the fast train officially operates, this feeder train will take passengers to the center of Bandung City from Padalarang Station.

"We want the service from and to the city, right. For example, Sudirman wants to go to Padalarang, use the LRT to get off here, cross, use the Fast Train to get off in Padalarang. On the other hand, Padalarang to Sudirman is the same way. Or from Halim wants to go to Bandung, use a Fast Train to get off at Padalarang and connect feeders," he said.

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