YOGYAKARTA - How much Indonesia's debt is the question of a number of people. Indonesia's Foreign Debt (ULN) is US$ 194.1 billion, based on records at the end of April 2023. Where is the country that gives the largest debt to Indonesia?

The Indonesian external debt report was released by Bank Indonesia (BI). The development of the amount of Indonesia's external debt in April was relatively stable compared to the previous month, which amounted to 194.0 billion US dollars. On an annual basis, the position of Indonesia's external debt grew 1.8% (yoy) after a contraction of 1.1% (yoy) in the previous month.

So far, many think that Indonesia's biggest debt loan comes from superpowers such as China and the United States (US).

Padahal ada beberapa negara pemberi utang terbesar ke RI selain dua negara tersebut.

BI revealed that there were seven countries that gave the largest debt to Indonesia in April 2023.

The following is a list of the largest number of external debt-giving countries to Indonesia.

The first order of the country that gives the largest debt to Indonesia is occupied by Singapore. This neighboring country provides debt loans to Indonesia amounting to S$ 57.43 billion.

This data is certainly surprising to many because Singapore is a small country, but it turns out to be rich enough to pay debts to Indonesia. This country with a smaller area than Jakarta is a subscription creditor for Indonesia's foreign exchange debt.

The United States (US) ranks second as the country that gives the largest debt to Indonesia. Indonesia's external debt to Uncle Sam's country is US$ 31,67 billion.

As the most developed country in the world, it is natural that America is also the party that gives the largest external debt to Indonesia. In addition to pouring loans into Indonesia, the US is also known to have given debts to many other countries.

The third-largest country to give debt to Indonesia is Japan. This country of football provides debt loans to Indonesia amounting to US$ 23.59 billion. Apart from US dollars and euros, Indonesia's external debt comes mostly from yen currencies.

Japan is one of the most developed countries in Asia to compete with China and South Korea. This sunrise has been a debt lender to Indonesia for a long time.

China is in fourth position as the giver of the most debt to Indonesia. This communist-based country loaned Indonesia ULN US$ 20.26 billion.

China's external debt position is inversely proportional to the same period last year. China's foreign exchange debt flowing to Indonesia in April 2022 was recorded at the highest amount of US$ 22.19 billion. The nominal debt at that time was the largest value of external debt from China since 2011.

Hong Kong ranks fourth as the country that gives the largest debt to Indonesia. Indonesia's external debt to Hong Kong countries is a total of US$ 17.71 billion.

Hong Kong is one of the important parts of China. Hong Kong is one of the developed countries in Asia that adheres to a free trade system.

The largest debt giver to Indonesia then came from a number of Asian countries. The number of Indonesian external debt from other Asian countries is US$ 10.36 billion.

The next largest debt-giving country is the Netherlands. This country from the European continent provides debt loans to Indonesia in the amount of US$4.83 billion.

Such is the review of the country that gives the largest debt to Indonesia. Indonesia's external debt position in April 2023 decreased to US$ 403.1 billion.

Indonesia's debt development is strongly influenced by the placement of portfolio investments in the domestic Government Securities (SBN) market in line with positive sentiment for global market players.

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