JAKARTA - BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (BPJamsostek) has again scored flashy performance through various positive achievements based on the Financial Report and Program Management Report (LK-LPP) in 2022.
In a written statement received Thursday, May 25, based on the results of an audit conducted by the Kanaka Puradiredja Public Accounting Office (KAP), Suhartono, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan managed to maintain the WTM (Wajari Without Modification) opinion for the umpteenth time.
As for the Program Management Report (LPP), it has been stated in accordance with the criteria for recitation as regulated in Presidential Regulation Number 108 of 2013.
On this occasion, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Muhammad Zuhri expressed his appreciation to the management and related parties who have worked hard, so that the audit run smoothly and in accordance with the agreed timeline.
He hopes that in the future the audit process can be carried out more effectively while maintaining quality.
"For the support of all parties, the audit process of financial reports and reports on the management of the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan program for the 2022 financial year is in accordance with applicable regulations, and is completed in accordance with the agreed timeline. The results of the KAP opinion in this annual report have met the performance achievement index (ICK) target of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan set by the government through DJSN and in the last 3 years have met expectations," said Zuhri, in a public expose in Jakarta, last Friday, May 12.
Meanwhile, the President Director of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Anggoro Eko Cahyo explained that in the midst of uncertain global economic conditions, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan actually succeeded in encouraging the number of participations in the informal or Non-Wage Recipient sector (BPU) to grow by 69.04 percent from the previous period, to 6 million participants.
This figure is the largest growth in the last 9 years. This achievement certainly cannot be separated from the BPJS Employment strategy which focuses on developing an agency system and collaborating with local governments and companies to protect vulnerable workers.
Anggoro said that during 2022 the Social Security Fund (DJS) grew very well, namely with assets increasing by 14 percent compared to the previous year. This can be achieved even though claim payments also increased by 15 percent.
Anggoro said that DJS was able to continue to grow positively thanks to the funds and investment proceeds from DJS, which increased by 14 percent YoY, respectively.
"We want to convey that in 2022 we will not only grow performance according to the target but also have national and global achievements solely to improve quality for the protection of Indonesian workers," said Anggoro.
The next achievement is in terms of benefits to participants, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan has paid claims or guarantees of Rp49.03 trillion to 3.94 million participants who are still dominated by Old Age Security (JHT) claims.
On the other hand, with a total of 35.86 million active participants and 735 thousand active employers, the total contribution of the contributions given reached Rp88.31 trillion, it can be said that BPJS Ketenagakerjaan is able to pay claims throughout 2022 only with the contributions received.
Anggoro detailed that net assets of the Work Accident Insurance (JKK) program can include claim burdens for the next 254 months, while Death Security (JKM) can last for the next 48 months and the latest program assets, namely Job Loss Guarantee (JKP) is sufficient for the next 2,807 months.
"The measure of this level of health is in accordance with PP 99 of 2013 that at least the estimated payment of claims is one month ahead, so JKK, JKM and JKP are categorized as very healthy," added Anggoro.
Meanwhile, the JHT fund solvency rate is in the healthy category at 99.74 percent and Pension Security is above 100 percent. Thus it can be concluded that the DJS managed by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan is in a very healthy condition.
To achieve the target of 70 million active participants in 2026, Anggoro revealed that BPJS Ketenagakerjaan will focus on increasing participation in the informal worker sector as well as small and micro-scale businesses through retention, intensification and extensification strategies. This strategy is focused on the village, market, e-commerce and SME ecosystems as well as vulnerable workers.
To make it happen, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan will use various methods, including by continuing to develop an agency system, cooperating with community leaders, encouraging large companies to participate in the entire company's ecosystem,
In addition, it provides various ease of payment of contributions and collaborates with various parties to carry out supervision to increase participant compliance.
Anggoro further explained that BPJS Ketenagakerjaan was also able to make Indonesia proud in the world arena by bringing 5 awards at once at the World Social Security Forum (WSSF).
"All of these achievements certainly cannot be separated from the support of stakeholders. We would like to thank you for the excellent collaboration during 2022. We hope that this spirit can continue to be maintained together so that all Indonesian workers can work hard and be anxious because they have been protected by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan," concluded Anggoro.
Separately, the Head of BPJamsostek Jakarta Cilincing Branch, Haryani Rotua Melasari, confirmed his staff's commitment at the Cilincing Jakarta Branch Office in providing excellent and optimal service to participants, including in terms of distribution of benefits that become the right of workers.
"We hope that the positive achievements achieved by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan in 2022 can continue in the following years and realize universal protection for workers in Indonesia, especially in the working area of the Jakarta Cilincing Branch," said Ani, Haryani Rotua Melasari's nickname.
Ani continued, his party also actively held socialization of the benefits of programs and anxiety-free hard work campaigns, such as by penetrating traditional markets to expand protection for informal or non-wage recipient category workers (BPU) workers.
"We also continue to establish synergies and collaborations with relevant stakeholders to ensure workers can obtain protection in the Employment Social Security program," Ani concluded.
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