Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani provided information related to viral information about the damaged road conditions in Lampung. This coincided with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)'s visit to the location recently.
"During President Jokowi's visit to Lampung Province, it was stated that the government would build damaged roads, and development tasks were divided between the central government, regional governments (Pemda) of provinces, districts/cities," he said in a written statement quoted on Sunday, May 7.
According to the Minister of Finance, the budget for road construction in Lampung and Sumatra comes from the state budget and also state money that is channeled to the APBD.
He explained that the construction of roads originating from the APBN consisted of three main points. First, spending on K/L PUPR for the construction and maintenance of national roads with an allocation of Rp588.7 billion for 2023 and has realized Rp81.6 billion until May 2, 2023. Realization in 2022 alone reached Rp508.1 billion.
Second, the transfer of funds from the center to the regional government for road construction (Physical DAK) 2023 provinces/regencies/cities throughout Lampung reached Rp402.44 billion for 231.9 km of roads.
Third, the construction of the Sumatra Toll Road that crosses Lampung Province through PMN and government guarantees to Hutama Karya on the following two sections.
a. Bakauheni-Terbanggi Besar section (140 km): Government support in the form of PMN Rp2.2 trillion and government guarantees Rp22.09 trillion.
b. Terbanggi Besar Section - Pematang Panggang-Kayu Agung (189 km): Government support in the form of PMN Rp4 trillion and government guarantees Rp14.37 trillion.
Then, the funding for land acquisition by the State Asset Management Institute (LMAN) for Bakauheni-Terbanggi Besar amounting to Rp3.75 trillion and Terbanggi Besar-Pematang Panggang amounting to Rp1.86 trillion.
"Especially from the APBD, the 2023 APBD provincial/district/city program throughout Lampung has reached Rp2.16 trillion, specifically for Lampung Province alone Rp886.8 billion," he continued.
"Infrastructure development is a national priority agenda this year. Taxes paid by the people are used to create equitable development in all regions of the archipelago," closed the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.
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