JAKARTA - Pertamina Patra Niaga ensures that the scarcity of fuel oil (BBM) that previously occurred in remote areas such as Karimunjawa does not happen again. Previously during the Nataru 2023 Task Force, the Karimunjawa area experienced a fuel crisis caused by bad weather.

Pertamina Regional Marketing Director Patra Niaga Mars Ega Legowo Putra said, to prevent the same thing from happening again at this Eid Al-Fitr moment, his party had built up stock in remote areas including Karimunjawa.

"We have been building up stock since April 1 and there is already a task force in the remote area," said Mars, who was met at the BPH Migas Office, Monday, April 10.

Mars added that several steps to build up stock were carried out by adding drums containing fuel such as diesel and pertalite and placing fuel tankers. "In fact, we have also put tank cars in areas such as Karimunjawa and other areas so that we hope that inventory stocks in remote outlets in areas will increase," he concluded.

Meanwhile, ahead of Eid al-Fitr, Pertamina alerted 114 fuel terminals (TBBM), 7491 gas stations, 68 DPPUs, as well as additional facilities in areas with high demand.

Meanwhile, in general, the stock security conditions are safe, both gasoline and gasoil with stock resilience of more than 16 days.

Then the prediction of an increase in daily fuel demand during Eid Al-Fitr 2023, among others, gasoline consumption will increase by 10.3 percent, avtur consumption will increase by 7.3 percent, while the consumption of kerosen will decrease by 1.4 percent and gasoil will decrease by 8.7 percent.

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