Pupuk Indonesia Optimistic That The Clean SECURity Ecosystem Can Boost Indonesia's Economy
President Director of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) Bakir Pasaman. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - President Director of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) Bakir Pasaman said he was optimistic that he could boost Indonesia's economy, through strengthening the clean ammonia ecosystem or environmentally friendly clean ammonia.

Bakir explained, Pupuk Indonesia has decades of experience in the ammonia industry.

According to Bakir, clean ammonia could be a step in achieving decarbonization in Indonesia.

Indonesia's Pupuk is currently experienced for more than 50 years in the ammonia industry. Therefore, our expertise allows us to see the potential for clean ammonia to support the low-carbon energy transition," he said at the 2023 Pupuk Indonesia Cleantonia Forum (PICAF), at the Reksadana Tower, Jakarta, Thursday, March 30.

Furthermore, Bakir said, studies have shown and emphasized the importance of ammonia as fuel and hydrogen carriers.

With the development of this clean ammonia, Bakir guarantees that his party can take part in supporting the achievement of zero carbon emissions in Indonesia.

As is known, the target of reducing carbon emissions is equivalent to five million tons of CO2 by 2050.

"Pupuk Indonesia initiated the 2023 PICAF to build the Clean busyia ecosystem in Indonesia, as a step to become an important player in Asia. We hope that this initiative will trigger a multiplier effect for the Indonesian economy, as well as support Indonesia's commitment to achieve net-zero emissions," he explained.

Bakir hopes that through this 2023 PICAF event, his party can have a dialogue to accelerate the implementation of technological innovation and policy development to strengthen The Cleantaia Value Chain.

"This is an extension of Pupuk Indonesia's commitment to support Indonesia's Sustainable Development Goals," he said.

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