Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD said how President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) was furious at the decline in the corruption perception index in Indonesia.

According to Mahfud, at that time he was participating in the celebration of a century of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) organization in Sidoarjo, East Java which was also attended by the Head of State. On the occasion, the President asked Mahfud to be able to join the group when he returned to Jakarta later.

"I was invited home by the President one plane because I wanted to discuss the corruption perception index. The President at that time was a bit angry, why did this go down from index 38 to 34," he said when he came to the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta to fulfill the summons of Commission III of the DPR, quoted Thursday, March 30.

For this case, Mahfud then explained the problem based on the data and efforts that had been made.

"I reported to the President, I have invited Transparency International. I have also invited Litbang Kompas, and also invited partnerships to ask for data on why this (the corruption perception index) has dropped," he said.

After receiving the data in question, Mahfud found that the most corruption nests in Indonesia were in a ministry that had a very strategic position.

"That's what goes down in the field of public services, especially corruption in customs and taxation (Ministry of Finance). Clear the explanation," he asserted.

Then the next thing is related to facilitation payment. Mahfud revealed that this still has something to do with public services.

People now pay if they want to be promoted, if they don't have a channel they can't. This is all (based on data) Transparency International. So I told the President the biggest problem was there," he said.

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