PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) provides warehouse or warehousing services as an effort to boost the distribution of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

"This can bring MSMEs closer to the market because if the customer asks we can send them quickly because after all, the goods are already in our warehouse. So we can do some day service," said Director of Courier and Logistics Business of PT Pos Indonesia Siti Choiriana, quoted from Antara, Friday, March 24.

Raising the name STORY which stands for Solutions, Together we grow, Organized, Respondible and Increase your revenue, Pos Indonesia ensures that its services can facilitate the business process of business actors such as MSMEs and also e-commerce.

Ana, Siti Choiriana's nickname, said that the STORY, which has been established since 2021, is a fulfillment center that serves the storage of goods, shelters, packaging to shipments to MSME customers who are monitored through digital dashboards.

"We manage very well because by placing it here, the goods are not damaged. If at home maybe the child is kicked, the house becomes complicated because it is like a warehouse, you can put it in us," he said.

Various types of MSMEs and goods can take advantage of these warehouse services, both for micro, medium to large scales as well as for beauty products, fashion, packaged foods to fresh foods.

Regarding service costs, Pos Indonesia charges a very affordable price of only 3 percent of the value of goods. MSME actors will only be charged a fee if the item has come out of the warehouse and sent it to the buyer.

"This STORY is for MSMEs, so MSMEs can put for free, free, put it first because basically MSMEs don't have money, how come they don't sell it yet, if they pay in front, they can't. So, put it free here first, then when it sells then he pays," he said.

Ana admitted that her party had handled hundreds of pieces of units through the warehouse locations spread across Tambun, Bekasi, then Surabaya, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Medan, Pekanbaru, Palembang, Balikpapan, Makassar and Denpasar.

"MSME products that are stored are mostly consumption products. For registration mechanisms for MSME players who are interested in using warehouses, they can directly register to," he said.

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