JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) said the reason for the contactless cashless toll transaction system or Multi-Lane Free Flow (MLFF) could not be operated during Eid.

This was stated by the Secretary General of the PUPR Ministry Zainal Fatah when met by media crews in Jakarta, Monday, March 20.

"If we try the new system in perfect conditions, it will actually create new problems, because of that change, right, it can't be done, that's why we tested it in limited situations first," he said.

Zainal said that his party was still waiting for the results of the MLFF trial on the Bali Mandara Toll Road which will be carried out in June.

Later, when the trial has been carried out, his party will only be able to determine whether the MLFF system itself can be immediately operated on other toll roads.

"But what is clear is that we are currently simulating on the Bali Mandara Toll Road, yes, of course, there is relatively not too much traffic there. So, we will first look at the reliability of the system that we will now use, of course later after we are sure it is correct, then it can be used and implemented. in our toll network," he concluded.

Previously, the PUPR Ministry's BPJT had stated that there were six toll roads that would be tested for MLFF, including Jagorawi, Jakarta-Cikampek, Inner City, Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR) including Ulujami-Pondok Aren-Serpong, Bali-Mandara, and Balikpapan-Samarinda.

BPJT plans to trial the transition to a contactless cashless toll transaction system or Multi-Lane Free Flow (MLFF) on June 1, 2023, on the Bali Mandara Toll Road.

The selection of the Bali Mandara Toll Road has gone through a discussion process, taking into account that this toll road section is not yet too congested, so it will be easier to carry out supervision to ensure that all systems will run properly.

With MLFF, the toll transaction system will be faster because users no longer need to stop to attach their electronic cards, thereby reducing queues at toll gates. In addition, MLFF makes toll collection operational costs more efficient.

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