JAKARTA - General Chairperson of the BUMN Digital Forum (Fordigi), Muhammad Fajrin Rasyid encourages the implementation of the Personal Data Protection Law (PDP) in BUMN.

The reason is, the law is considered to be able to build trust with customers so that they trust businesses that prioritize data privacy.

"By implementing strong data privacy policies and procedures, businesses can show their commitment to protecting sensitive information on their customers," said Fajrin, in Jakarta, Wednesday, March 15, 2023.

Not only that, the Director of Digital Business Telkom said that another point that became the main focus in the memontum implementation of the PDP Law was law compliance, where the application of data privacy could help businesses avoid legal problems.

The third point, continued Fajrin, is that reputation management, because data violations and other privacy violations can have a significant impact on business reputation.

"By implementing strong data privacy measures, businesses can minimize the risk of data breaches and demonstrate their commitment to protecting sensitive information from their customers," said Fajrin.

Finally, continued Fajrin, by implementing strong data privacy measures, businesses can separate themselves from competitors and attract customers who prioritize data privacy.

In today's digital era, according to Fajrin. Personal data is very easy to find anywhere like in cyberspace.

In fact, not a few people deliberately upload the owner's personal data.

That way, a lot of personal data is misused by irresponsible persons.

Therefore, said Fajrin, the state is obliged to protect personal data for the community.

However, he emphasized, the state cannot work alone but all parties must also take part in efforts to protect personal data.

"Thus, I hope that with the sharing session, we can protect personal data together, especially through digital platforms," he said.

For your information, Fordigi is a media gathering and discussing IT Leaders from all Indonesian SOEs. Fordigi is a partner of the Ministry of SOEs to increase the competitiveness of SOEs in the world class, especially in the era of the digital economy.

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