JAKARTA - The Indonesian government through the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) invites countries in Southeast Asia to immediately follow up on the ASEAN Single Window (ASW) agreement.

Head of the National Single Window Institute (LNSW) of the Ministry of Finance Agus Rofiudin said ASEAN has invested enormous resources, both finance and human resources in the development and implementation of ASW.

"Now is the time for all ASEAN countries to maximize the use of ASW as a form of support for digital transformation and accelerate the trade logistics process between countries in the region," he said in an official statement at the series of Indonesian Chairship meetings in ASEAN 2023, Wednesday, March 15.

According to Agus, the occurrence of a global pandemic has emphasized the need to digitize trading procedures through the development of single windows.

"Fortunately ASEAN already has ASW that was formed before the COVID-19 pandemic attack," he said.

Agus explained, at the end of 2019 all member countries joined the ASW Live Operation which facilitated employers to get preferential rates based on e-Form D policies regulated in trade agreements for ASEAN member countries.

He said, to support the Begawan Series Bandar (BSBR) roadmap as an initiative of ASEAN digital integration, Indonesia proposed PED in the form of full implementation of e-Form D through ASW. This PED aims to improve the quality of digital transformation in Southeast Asia and also contribute to other ASEAN goals, namely accelerating economic recovery and integration of digital transformation.

In addition, to encourage the effective operational implementation of ASW, ASWSC plays an important role in overseeing the overall coordination and synchronization of policies needed for effective operation and the development needs of ASEAN Single Window in the future.

"There are several things to focus on, such as exchanging e-form D, ASEAN Customs Declaration Document (ACDD), Electronic Sanitary and Phytosanitary Certificate (eSPS), other potential documents and also exchange documents related to trading with ASEAN dialogue partner countries. This shows that the existence of ASW provides optimal benefits in and outside the ASEAN region," he said.

Sri Mulyani's subordinate also said that this year's ASWSC meeting sought to further develop and deepen engagement among ASEAN member countries as well as with dialogue partner countries.

"Hopefully, this meeting can resolve pending issues and produce practical recommendations so that ASEAN can become a strong and inclusive region, and have sustainable economic growth," he concluded.

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