Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati revealed that her party had received 266 letters from the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK).

This letter is an accumulation from 2007 to 2023 and it identifies 964 ASN within the Ministry of Finance involved in suspicious transactions.

"There are 964 employees who are identified, namely the accumulation from 2007 to 2023. If we say the hope is that maybe 60 of the total employees at the Ministry of Finance have reached 80 thousand and now 74 thousand," he said at a press conference in Jakarta, Saturday, March 11.

He continued that of the 266 letters, 185 of them were the result of requests from the Ministry of Finance while the rest were PPATK initiatives.

"From the letter, we have followed up on everything," added Sri Mulyani.

He further detailed that as many as 86 letters had been followed up by collecting additional evidence and information or pulbaket. This was done because the available information was not sufficient and needed additional information from the Inspectorate General.

The Ministry of Finance also conducted an investigative audit of 126 cases and recommendations for disciplinary punishment for 352 employees.

"This disciplinary punishment refers to the ASN and PP Law regarding ASN, namely PP No 94 of 2021 concerning ASN discipline," continued Sri Mulyani.

He also said that if there were several PPATK letters that could not be followed up because the employees in question were retired, no further information was found regarding the transaction or the employees in question were not from the Ministry of Finance.

"And there are 16 cases that we have transferred to the Law Enforcement Apparatus (APH). Because we are the state treasurer. If there is a case involving legal action, whether it is a crime, that is what we will convey to APH whether it is the KPK, the Prosecutor's Office or the Police. We are working with APH, followed up with law enforcement," concluded Sri Mulyani.

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