PLN Distributes 1,400 REC Units To 11 Companies In Bali
Illustration of Power Plants (Photo: Doc. Antara)

PT PLN (Persero) distributed 1,400 REC units or equivalent to 1,400 megawatt hour (MWh) to eleven companies in Bali.

The 11 companies in Bali, namely, PT Dhana Elektrik, PT Mercu Sarana Elektrik, PT Guwana Mulia Teknik, PT Andika Mitra Jaya, PT Dwi Eka Bakti, PT Maha Putra Engineering, PT Dwi Putra Teknik, PT Kriskar Teknik Utama, PT Sembilan Jaya Teknik, PT Mahatma Jaya Abadi, and PT Cahaya Lestari Nirmala.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo explained, PLN continues to provide various clean energy service (green electricity) options for business actors in corporate governance responsibilities in accordance with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles.

"We are committed to providing clean energy (green electricity) to support the creation of green industry in Indonesia. Through REC, customers can participate in campaigning for the energy transition, from dirty energy to environmentally friendly energy," Darmawan explained in a statement to the media, Wednesday, March 8.

Darmawan added that this clean energy is offered to all Indonesian people, including partners who have been collaborating with PLN. This was done in order to achieve a large mission of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 29 percent by 2030 and achieving Net Zero Emission (NZE) by 2060.

Meanwhile, General Manager of PT PLN (Persero) Bali Distribution Main Unit, I Wayan Udayana detailed, since its launch in 2021, there are 854 customers who have recorded using this clean energy service with a total absorption of 16,171 REC units or equivalent to 16,171 MWh.

The majority of REC service users are business customers who are aware of the benefits and want to contribute to the construction of new renewable energy plants (EBT) in Indonesia," he said.

Udayana projects to increase the use of green energy by 20 customers in Bali through the PLN REC. He also ensured that PLN was ready to meet the needs of customers who wanted to take part in using clean energy.

"We are ready to support the use of clean energy without the need to bother by building our own generators, because through the REC PLN, the products produced by business actors are certified to meet the sustainability aspect in accordance with the implementation of environmental, social, and governance (ESG)," said Udayana.

REC PLN is a collaboration product of PLN and Clean Energy Investment Accelerator (CEIA), which is proof of ownership of international standard certificates for electricity production generated from renewable energy plants.

This REC from PLN uses an electronic tracking system from APX TIGRs located in California, United States, to ensure that once the certificate is issued, it cannot be purchased or sold to other parties. The entire process has also been verified to meet international standards.

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