YOGYAKARTA - The new social assistance that will be given by the government is rice and egg social assistance, said the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto, as one of the methods to control inflation and food scarcity. Then what are the conditions for recipients of rice, eggs, and chicken social assistance?

Minister Airlangga Hartarto said the egg and rice assistance was a component of the government's efforts to regulate price increases or inflation during Ramadan and Idul Fitri 2023.

"Similarly, the regulations for egg and chicken assistance are being regulated. It will be given for 3 months, especially for deciles who receive the Family Hope Program (PKH) and non-cash food assistance. So, it is hoped that within 3 months this will work," said Minister Airlangga Hartarto in a press release from the Ministry of Economy.

According to the Ministry of Finance's Wikipedia website, a decile is a statistical term that separates a set of data sorted into 10 equal parts (in this case deciles 1 to 10) to be used as a divider for the Total Poor Population (JPM) of all villages into 10 categories or groups.

That way PKH and BPNT beneficiaries will become recipients of this rice and egg social assistance.

The Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) prepares information on potential recipients of food social assistance that the state intends to distribute ahead of the month of Ramadan.

"Because the KPA (budget user authority) is from the (Ministry) of Finance, I only submit the data," said Social Minister Tri Rismaharini in Jakarta, Monday (6/3).

The government plans to distribute food aid for three months starting before Ramadan to residents who need it. The government plans to distribute food social assistance in March, April and May 2023.

Currently, the government is still preparing regulations regarding the distribution of food social assistance, which mainly targets the target villagers of the Family Hope Program (PKH) and Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT).

The Minister of Social Affairs informed that during the January-March 2023 period, the government also distributed social assistance PKH and BPNT or Basic Food Cards.

Not only that, the government's steps to control prices are to monitor the prices of basic commodities such as rice, cooking oil, chili peppers, onions, meat and eggs, purebred chicken, and beef.

Another effort to control inflation is to maintain the availability of food supplies in the community so that people can shop wisely and avoid overbuying due to rumors.

Requirements for Recipients of Rice, Eggs, Chicken Social Assistance

Referring to the requirements for PKH recipients, the following are the requirements for recipients of rice and egg assistance:

  • The PKH program is aimed at poor families and has been included in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS). Have a NIK that is online in the Dukcapil system and determined by the Ministry of Social Affairs as a PKH beneficiary.

How to register PKH offline to meet the egg rice assistance requirements:

  • Communities register themselves at the village hall/kelurahan office or through proposals from the RT/RW to the village/kelurahan.
  • These proposals were then recapitulated into a list of initial proposals to be discussed in village/kelurahan deliberation forums.
  • In village/kelurahan deliberation forums, discussions are held to determine the list of initial proposals to become the final list of proposals.
  • The list of final proposals resulting from the musdes/muskel is inputted through the SIKS Application https://siks.kemensos.go.id/.
    • Upload the minutes of the village/kelurahan meeting
    • Upload BNBA proposal list
  • Furthermore, regional proposals are ratified by the Regent/Mayor through the District/City Social Service.
  • The data proposal process submitted by the District/City Regional Government is forwarded to the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • The proposed data is processed by the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • Field verification and validation by designated officers to ensure the existence and condition of the economy whether it meets the poverty criteria or not.

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