JAKARTA - A fire accident occurred in Pertamina's Depot located in Plumpang, North Jakarta on the evening of Friday, March 3. The intense fire scorched the houses of residents around the scene and claimed at least 17 lives and 51 others were injured.

BPJS Ketenagakerjaan swiftly dispatched a Rapid Response Service (LCT) team to identify participants who were also victims. Until now, of the total victims, 6 of them are active BPJS Employment participants, of which 3 are Wage Recipient Workers (PU) while 3 others are informal or Non-Wage Recipient Workers (BPU). The verification process continues to ensure that the victims are included in work accidents.

President Director of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Anggoro Eko Cahyo directly inspected a participant who was receiving treatment at Pertamina Jaya Hospital, Jakarta, which is also the Employment Accident Service Center (PLKK) BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.

"I represent the management of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan to express my deep condolences for the fire incident that occurred last Friday. As a form of responsibility and a form of state being present to protect all Indonesian workers, we came to visit one of the participants who was also a victim. We want to ensure that the participants get the best treatment so that they can recover soon," explained Anggoro, in his statement, Sunday, March 5.

Anggoro further explained that the Work Accident Security (JKK) program provides protection for participants from the risk of work accidents, including when traveling to or returning from work.

Participants will get various benefits including unbounded treatment until they recover. Furthermore, if during the recovery period, participants cannot work for a while, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan will also provide temporary compensation for not being able to work (STMB) of 100 perseb wages reported for 12 months, and then 50 percent wages until they recover.

For participants who died due to work accidents, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan provided compensation of 48 times the reported wages and scholarships for 2 children, from basic education to universities, a maximum of Rp. 174 million.

On this occasion, the Director of Pertamina Jaya Hospital, Dody Alamsyah Siregar, expressed his appreciation for the quick movement and concern of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan for participants who were victims.

"First, we would like to thank BPJS Ketenagakerjaan who immediately came to visit the victim. In terms of treatment, we carried out thoroughly. As for the patient himself, the current condition has started to be comfortable compared to when we first entered. We will continue to provide care and serve well until post-treatment. We are very happy because the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan covered everything," said Dody.

At the end of his visit, Anggoro again invited all workers to ensure that they were registered as BPJS Ketenagakerjaan participants because of the disaster that could occur anytime and anywhere including while working.

"This is the form of the state being present, I invite the friends of the other workers, make sure all of you get employment social security protection because this protection is the constitutional right of all of you as workers to be protected," added Anggoro.

His party also asked the LCT BPJS Ketenagakerjaan team to monitor the development of the victims and continue to coordinate with related parties if there are additional victims.

"Hopefully the victims being treated can recover soon and for the victims who die, their families are given strength and fortitude," concluded Anggoro.

Head of the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Jakarta Kebayoran Baru Husaini Branch Office in his statement stated that one of the victims being treated at the hospital named Novan Noviandi was an active participant from the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Kebayoran Baru Branch.

"At the time of the incident, Novan Noviandi was exposed to steam from the burning oil and was immediately rushed to Pertamina Jaya Hospital in Jakarta for intensive care," said Husaini.

"Until now, we have continued to coordinate with the hospital and the company's HRD to monitor the condition of the victim while ensuring that the victim gets good treatment at the hospital," he said.

According to data from BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Jakarta Kebayoran Baru, Novan Novianda is one of the wage workers at the Pertamina Training and Consulting-MOR and RU companies, registered with BPJS Ketenagakerjaan since January 2023 with 4 protection guarantee programs, namely Old Age Security (JHT), Work Accident Insurance (JKK), Death Security (JKM) and Pension Security (JP).

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