JAKARTA - Komnas LP-KPK's lawsuit against the Head Decree (Kepka) of BP2MI No. 328 of 2022 which violates Law no. 18 of 2017 Article 30 is currently underway at the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN).

While the trial was ongoing, the Head of the Indonesian Migrant Worker Protection Agency (BP2MI) canceled Kepka No. 328/2022 and issued Kepka No. 50/2023.

''However, the contents remain the same, burdening the placement fee to Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI). It's a pity for the fate of PMIs who are trapped in ijon practices because of the cost burden," said Deputy Secretary General of Komnas LP-KPK Amri Piliang, in his statement, Friday, March 3.

According to Amri, the emergence of this new Kepka is a form of anxiety and trouble for the Head of BP2MI who rushed to revoke and cancel Kepka BP2MI No. 328 of 2022 and replace it with Kepka BP2MI No. 50 of 2023. This is to avoid the PTUN lawsuit from LBH LP-KPK.

''This should be suspected to save tribute from the Ijon Rente Mafia Syndicate Bandar under the guise of a savings and loan cooperative that carries out debt eradication practices for Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI),' Amri said.

Amri said Benny Rhamdani as the head of BP2MI was suspected of abusing his authority and playing with the law and ignoring the results of the DPR-RI Commission IX Hearing Meeting (RDP).

"The new Kepka no. 50/2023 still charges the placement fee to PMI. This is contrary to the spirit of Article 30 of Law no. 18 of 2017 concerning the prohibition of imposing placement fees to PMIs," he said.

Meanwhile, LBH LP-KPK Director Njekto Hadi Sasongko said that Kepka No. 328/2022 and its replacement Kepka No. 50/2023 also suffered PMIs because they had to bear the burden of placement costs. These PMIs had to be charged with loans through third parties.

''Maybe this is not monitored by President Joko Widodo. Even though the head's decision (Kepka) is suffering the people, especially migrant workers and their families. And this is not in accordance with the promise to free PMI from the entanglement of the Rente ijon,'' said Njekto.

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