JAKARTA - Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan gave a tip to achieve success after the COVID-19 pandemic for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

He said, business actors must change the perspective of seeing difficulties into opportunities.

This tip was conveyed in an audience with the Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan with the MSME community in Lampung, South Sumatra.

"Depending on the perspective, difficulties can be turned into opportunities, but the condition is that we must not give up. For that, we must study his knowledge. In doing so there is a fall and rise. When facing trials in business, I see it as a test to advance to the next level," he said in a press statement received by VOI, Friday, March 3.

Zulhas, as Zulkifli Hasan is familiarly called, also emphasized the importance of integrity in running a business. Trust from business partners is the main thing.

In doing business, he continued, it is very important to gain partner confidence so that the business can run continuously.

Therefore, Zulhas reminded MSME actors to continue to study and improve their abilities. You do this by taking various courses and reading books.

Life is learning, every moment it learns. We can learn from children, from the environment. Learn to find opportunities and opportunities, don't be lazy," he said.

In addition, Zulhas said, the Ministry of Trade also continues to support the improvement of the people's economy through the development of MSMEs for the community.

"The Ministry of Trade will support MSMEs by facilitating capital assistance from banks, collaborating with MSMEs with modern retail businesses, and collaborating with marketplaces," he said.

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