JAKARTA - The Bulog Public Company (Perum) of the Papua and West Papua Regional Offices said premium quality imported rice originating from Vietnam had arrived as much as 800 tons, and the rice would be imported in stages. The Deputy Head of Perum Bulog for the Regional Offices of Papua and West Papua, Dedi Apriliadi, in Jayapura, Wednesday, February 22, said that his working area received 8,250 tons, but only 800 tons came from Vietnam. "This is only the first stage and the rest is also temporary on the way, so it is hoped that the imported rice can meet rice needs in Papua and West Papua," he said, quoted from Antara. According to Dedi, the 800 tons will later be distributed to Jayapura 450 tons, Manokwari 100 tons, and Sorong 250 tons where the rice is the state of government reserve rice. "Which will be distributed to the needs of ASN, TNI-Polri, Stabilization of Supply and Food Price (SPHP), and reserve rice for disasters," he also said.

He explained that a total of 8,250 tons would be distributed to Jayapura as much as 2,000 tons, then Biak 1,500 tons, then Manokwari 1,500, Fak-Fak 750 tons, Sorong 2,000 tons, and Timika 500 tons. "If all premium quality imported rice has entered, it is hoped that it will meet the needs for the next 4 months," he said.

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