JAKARTA - PT Sarana Multigriya Finansial (Persero) (SMF) is ready to pay off principal and interest debts on the IV phase III series C sustainable bonds in 2018 worth IDR 203.47 billion.

This value consists of a principal of IDR 200 billion and an interest rate of IDR 3.47 billion, which matures on February 20, 2023.

SMF President Director Ananta Wiyogo said the repayment of the bonds was a commitment from the company in fulfilling financial obligations.

"The company is currently preparing funds to pay off the maturing bonds. The funds will be sourced from the company's internal cash position which is currently placed in deposit instruments," the statement quoted on Friday, February 17.

He emphasized that the bonds issued by SMF had an idAA rating obtained from PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo).

The rating is the highest ranking that demonstrates SMF's ability to fulfill long-term financial commitments, as well as a very strong capital profile supported by excellent asset quality and reflects the very strong level of support from the Government of Indonesia.

"The issuance of SMF bonds aims to support national economic stability, especially in the housing industry through lending (refinancing on housing loans/KPR), so that it can encourage the availability of decent and affordable houses for the people of Indonesia," said Ananta.

Since 2009 until now, SMF has issued debt securities 51 times with a total of IDR 50.4 trillion.

The issuance consists of 38 times the issuance of bonds and sukuk mudharabah (public offering) amounting to Rp45.63 trillion, 12 times the medium term notes (limited offers) amounting to Rp4.67 trillion, and one time the issuance of commercial securities amounting to Rp120 billion.

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