The National Police's Food Task Force (Satgas) has spoken about the findings of alleged fraudulent practices of selling Bulog's rice operations at Cipinang Market.

The report has been followed up and is currently still waiting for the results of the rice examination from the laboratory.

As is known, the President Director of Perum Bulog found a violation of the sale of market operating rice by distributors at Cipinang Market.

The fraud is the practice of rice oplos to changing brands or repackaging.

The head of the Food Task Force Subdivision, Kombes Iksantyo Bagus Pramono, said that the examination of a number of witnesses to explore the findings by Bulog was still being carried out.

Iksantyo said that his party had also checked the laboratory to prove whether Bulog rice was mixed or not.

"The results of the report from him (Director of Perum Bulog Budi Waseso) we will follow up on the one in Cipinang, while we will call the person found there, then we have summoned the witnesses. We will give the existing rice to the lab," he said after reviewing rice market operations in the modern retailer Hypermart Puri Indah, Kembangan, West Jakarta, Wednesday, February 8.

Iksantyo said that the general rice supply practice was carried out. However, he said, specifically for Bulog rice which is used for supply stabilization and prices are not allowed to be mixed.

"So while patient first. We will announce it later because it must be based on lab results. (The result) we will announce it again later," he explained.

Previously, it was reported that the President Director of Perum Bulog, Budi Waseso or Buwas, conducted an inspection at the PT Food Station Rice Warehouse at the Cipinang Rice Main Market (PIBC) on Friday, February 3.

During VOI's monitoring at the location, Buwas visited three warehouses belonging to traders in the Cipinang Rice Main Market area. Of the three warehouses visited, it was found that two traders repackaged 50 kilograms (kg) of rice.

"So no matter how much we roll it out, there is no benefit, because the price remains high. From Bulog to buy Rp8,800, it is transferred to premium sacks for other brands for Rp12.000. Because this is considered domestic production," said Buwas, at the Cipinang Rice Main Market, Jakarta, Friday, February 3.

In addition to being packaged using premium packaging, said Buwas, there is the potential for mixing Bulog rice with other rice. This allegation will be proven through laboratory tests.

Buwas also found diecer rice in 5kg size. Because of that, Buwas admitted that he would coordinate with the Food Station (FS) not to allow distributors in his warehouse to pack Bulog rice into 5 kg packaging.

"That's what I said, I asked the Food Station to supervise itself. This is the Food Station area, he has responsibility. On the other hand, there is a food task force," he said.

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