JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) seeks to pursue the target of domestic product transactions of up to IDR 250 trillion at the Phase V Business Meeting with three steps set at the Coordination Meeting for Commitment Mapping and Realization of Domestic Product Use at the Ministry of Industry.

"The target of IDR 250 trillion will be pursued in the implementation of Phase V Business Meeting which invites 1,200 participants, namely representatives from ministries, institutions, local governments, BUMN/D, industrial companies, and associations related to the procurement of government services," said Secretary General of the Ministry of Industry Dody Widodo in his official statement, quoted on Wednesday, February 8.

The first step, said Doddy, is to prepare for the creation of the realization module and the moduli of the commitment to use domestic products in the procurement of government goods, which this module will serve as a reference in the use of domestic products in each ministry/institution, BUMN/D, and local government.

The second acceleration step taken is the implementation of data interconnection using domestic products in the SAKTI application belonging to the Ministry of Finance, SIPD belonging to the Ministry of Home Affairs, and the P3DN Information System belonging to the Ministry of Industry.

"This data interconnection can be carried out through cooperation between various parties, one of which is through the assistance of PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk. This data disclosure will help the process of monitoring the use of PDN in the procurement of government services," said Dody.

Furthermore, in order to support the achievement of transaction targets in Phase V Business Meetings, it is also necessary to implement Virtual Business Meetings which are carried out regularly.

Furthermore, said Dody, each ministry/institution can encourage the use of PDN by implementing Business Meetings between providers and budget owners on a regular basis. These Business Meetings can be carried out virtually or face-to-face.

The government has held Business Meeting activities since March 2022. Phase V Business Meeting 2023 aims to connect government budget owners and BUMN with domestic product producers, both from upstream to downstream.

Unlike the previous year, this Business Meeting will also be held by the P3DN Award for users and producers who have paid attention to efforts to increase the use of domestic products.

The Secretary General of the Ministry of Industry said that this award will assess all aspects related to the P3DN program. "What is assessed in the user sector is the aspect of realization of 55 percent, the 20 percent planning aspect, the 15 percent evaluation aspect, and the campaign aspect of 10 percent," explained Dody.

In this activity, the Ministry of Industry also prepared a Domestic Product Exhibition which will display superior products that already have a Domestic Component Level Certificate (TKDN).

The Ministry of Industry also collaborates with various associations and institutions to hold seminars and coaching related to the use of domestic products. Dody also mentioned that this activity will be carried out by the Communication Forum which can be attended by all P3DN Teams in Indonesia.

"We realize that the implementation of the P3DN Program is still far from perfect, so the Communication Forum will be held to jointly discuss the problems faced by the P3DN National Team and the agency's P3DN Team, so that the middle way can be found," explained Dody.

Closing the Coordination Meeting for Commitment Mapping and Realization of Domestic Product Use (PDN), Dody reminded all ministries, institutions, state-owned enterprises, and local governments to immediately show their commitment to use domestic products.

"All ministries, institutions, SOEs, and local governments, should immediately input SIRUP as the basis for the commitment to use Domestic Products in 2023. Immediately apply contracts to increase realization. Ministries and institutions can also immediately conduct Business Meetings in their respective agencies," he concluded.

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