JAKARTA - Special Staff to the President for Economic Affairs Arif Budimanta said that economic growth throughout 2022 of 5.31 percent will be an important capital for navigating the domestic economy amid the challenges of global uncertainty in 2023.

"Growth of 5.31 percent throughout 2022 shows good economic performance and is a capital for navigating potential uncertainties in the global economy in 2023 which is projected to be quite challenging," said Arif, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, February 7.

Arif said Indonesia's economic growth in 2022 was higher than that of the United States which grew 2.1 percent, the European Union's 3.6 percent, China's 3 percent and South Korea's 2.6 percent. However, Indonesia's economic growth, said Arif, is lower than India's, which grew 7 percent.

In the future, said Arif, the government will maintain the quality of economic growth, control inflation by controlling food prices, and increase employment opportunities for the community. That way, consumption and social welfare will increase.

"This good growth momentum must also be utilized to encourage the structural transformation that is being carried out to take place more quickly," he said.

Arif also encouraged the performance of banks and issuers in the field of natural resources to increase downstream industries, develop national food ecosystems and labor-intensive industries.

This is because Indonesia is faced with the challenges of the global economy, the challenges of the food crisis, and also the challenges of limited people's purchasing power due to limited employment opportunities.

"We can use this relatively good economic growth as a momentum to create even greater economic prospects in 2023 and in the years to come," he said.

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