PT PLN (Persero) and the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) conducted a study on the utilization of coal burning waste from Steam Power Plants (PLTU) in the form of fly ash bottom ash (FABA) in the Bangka Belitung area.

There are two PLTUs in the province, namely PLTU Air Anyir which is located in Bangka with a total FABA production of approximately 1,200 tons per month and PLTU Suge in Belitung with a total FABA production of approximately 750 tons per month.

General Manager of PLN Bangka Belitung Regional Main Unit Ajrun Karim explained, in addition to soil fertility, FABA can also be used to close holes and reforestation of post-mining land.

Its characteristics, which contain elements of soil and are almost pozolanic, such as cement, are perfect for adding nutrients to the soil, agricultural land, and reforestation.

"There is no need to bring in mine cover materials that are further away from the source of FABA production. Because FABA increases the geotechnic and stability of the mine, reduces water permeability so that it retains poor quality water and does not pollute groundwater," said Ajrun.

On that occasion, PLN Manager of the Implementing Main Unit for the Bangka Belitung Generation (PLN UPK Babel) Umar Farouk Andy Saputra invited IPB academics to see firsthand the results of the use of FABA in his work environment.

One of them is in the manufacture of Taman Edupark, which all materials for making parks use coal waste.

All materials in making Edupark Parks from paving blocks/batakos, concrete cors, rosters, land stabilization, land improvement, U-Ditch concrete panels, bollards, tetrapods and other products are all using FABA," explained Farouk.

Meanwhile, Lecturer of the Tropical Silvirculture Study Program Irdika Mansur said the large amount of FABA production in the two PLTUs could be used to maintain soil fertility in the Bangka Belitung area. This is considering that most areas have a sandy soil structure.

"FABA is able to repair soil and insecticide pH (solidity level), is also able to improve soil texture, aeration, percolation and water resistance (WHC), reduce soil density (bulk density), and consume other soil amelior material," said Irdika.

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