JAKARTA - The Presidential Staff Office encourages regional governments to speed up the issuance of Digital Detailed Spatial Plans (RDTR). So that spatial planning issues no longer hinder investment growth in the region.

Previously, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the National Coordination Meeting of Regional Heads and the Indonesia-wide Regional Leadership Communication Forum, in Bogor, last Tuesday, January 17 revealed two major problems with investment in the regions. One of them is related to spatial planning, namely the Suitability of Space Utilization Activities (KKPR), which used to be called a location permit.

Chief Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office, Albertien Enang Pirade, assessed that the issue of location permit arrangement or KKPR in the regions has not been resolved, partly because the local government did not immediately issue a Regional Regulation (Perda) on RDTR and followed it up by making a digital RDTR that is integrated with OSS RBA. Until now, said Albertien, of the target of 1,838 RDTRs in the 2020-2024 RPJMN, only 118 RDTRs have been integrated with OSS.

"The role of the local government and the ATR/BPN Ministry is the key to accelerating the digital RDTR," said Albertien, at the Bina Graha Jakarta building, Wednesday, January 25.

Still said Albertien, so far the central government through the Ministry of ATR/BPN, and the regional governments have collaborated in providing RDTR. The role of the central government, namely facilitation in the form of assistance with regional regulations, technical guidance, and advisory services, to making basic maps. Meanwhile, the local government is committed to finalizing the Perda on RDTR.

It's just that in practice, according to Albertien, there are still a number of obstacles. Starting from limited data and information for regional base maps, preparation of RTRW and RDTR that have not become a priority, limited human resources in the form of regional planning experts, to limitations of the APBD.

"Regarding the budget, in the near future the KSP and the ATR/BPN Ministry will hold a meeting to discuss Special Allocation Funds for the regions to accelerate the preparation of the RDTR," she explained.

For information, the Suitability of Space Utilization Activities (KKPR) is part of the licensing reform through the Job Creation Law 2020/2022 Job Creation Law. KKPR, which used to be called a location permit, was previously done manually and the practice in areas was not standard. Such as the issue of service period (SLA) and rates.

Through the Job Creation Law, the licensing process is carried out in an integrated manner and digitalization of services through the Online Single Submission (OSS).

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