JAKARTA - The government through the Directorate General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) has set the implementation of natura taxes or pleasure starting in the second semester of 2023. This assurance was conveyed directly by the Director General of Taxes Suryo Utomo in today's media briefing in Jakarta.

"The PMK (Minister of Finance Regulation) is being drafted. Later, when it is published, we will publish it, what is clear is that this will be made based on the principle of justice and in accordance with common sense," he said on Tuesday, January 10.

In addition to pursuing the preparation of the technical regulations for PMK, the time lag before the implementation of the national tax will be used for socialization activities to the community.

"So in three to six months we will socialize so that people can understand," he said.

According to Suryo, his party has classified a number of objects that are exempt from this national levy. Here are some of the lists he had revealed.

1. Facilities to eat and drink at work for employees

2. Reimbursement consumption from official travel

3. Education

4. Worship

5. Transportation

6. Sports (except golf)

7. Security and production employee uniforms

8. Collisary employee illustration (mess)

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