JAKARTA - Member of the Committee for the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) Saleh Abdurahman revealed that his party continues to strive so that subsidized fuel oil (BBM) can be right on target through the digital system.

Saleh explained that currently BPH oil and gas has several rules related to the allocation of subsidized fuel use but there are still many violations in the field.

For example, the Decree of the Head of BPH Migas No. 04 of 2020 concerning Controlling the Distribution of Certain Types of Fuel Oil by Business Entities Implementing Assignments on Transportation User Consumers of Motor Vehicles for Transportation People or Goods that mention private Vehicles receive a maximum of 60 liters per day, public transportation of people or 4-wheeled goods gets a maximum of 80 liters per day, while public transportation of goods or 6-wheeled goods or more than 200 liters per day.

"Currently it's running, but there are frequent abuses because people can fill in many times. Today is 60, afternoon contains another 60. The system is beum connected in our digital system," Saleh said at the Energy Corner, Monday, January 9.

He said, later with the right subsidy program carried out by Pertamina, vehicle owners can only fill up fuel according to the predetermined quota so that they can suppress the potential for fuel misuse.

"For example, now Pertamina is implementing full cycle trials, pilot projects in 34 districts/cities. If it has been implemented, consumers who have filled 60 liters of their daily quota at gas stations A will not be able to fill it at gas stations A again or at gas stations B, C, D because his quota that day has run out. So if we apply this, we believe subsidies will be more targeted," said Saleh.

He appealed to the public to immediately register for the right subsidy program so that the existing data can be adjusted and subsidies can target the right person.

"The potential for repeated misuse of filling and then hoarding can be prevented by the right subsidy digitization system that is connected. We continue to urge people who need subsidies to immediately register on the right subsidy," Saleh concluded.

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