JAKARTA - The Pre-Employment Card Program will certainly continue in 2023 with a normal scheme that focuses on increasing expertise and no longer semi-social assistance. Training will also be carried out in a hybrid manner, both offline and online.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said offline or face-to-face training would begin gradually in the first quarter of 2023 in 10 regions in Indonesia, along with registration for the 2023 Pre-Employment Card.

"The first stages are DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, West Kalimantan, North Sumatra, South Sulawesi, Bali, NTT, and Papua," Airlangga said in an online press conference in Jakarta, Thursday, January 5.

There are several new things that have been done in the normal scheme of the Pre-Employment Card Program for this year, namely the duration of the Pre-Employment Card training, which was originally increased to 15 hours.

Then, the total incentives provided by participants also increased from IDR 3.55 million to IDR 4.2 million per individual.

The details of the 2023 Pre-Employment Card incentives, namely the cost for training of Rp. 3.5 million (up from the previous year), the post-training incentive of Rp. 600 thousand which was given once (down from the previous year), and the survey incentive of Rp. 100,000 for two survey fillings (down from the previous year).

"So, the mix of aid or the cost is 4.2 million per person, but the training costs are higher. At the time of the social assistance scheme, training was lower than assistance," said Airlangga.

During 2022, said Airlangga, around 495 thousand people have been registered as graduates of the Pre-Employment Card. The budget that has been spent has reached Rp17.84 trillion from the total budget prepared of Rp18 trillion or absorbed up to 99.12 percent.

"Pre-Employment Cards are proven to improve skills, increase financial inclusion, and help people's purchasing power with semi-social assistance schemes," he concluded.

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