JAKARTA - Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) will hold a corporate action in the form of a right issue in the near future.

With this corporate action, the share ownership portion will change.

Currently, Bank Mandiri holds the majority share portion with 50.83 percent. Meanwhile, BNI was 24.85 percent, BRI was 17.25 percent, and other shareholders and the public was 7.07 percent.

The government as of May 2022 has placed one red and white share in BSI.

Assistant Deputy for Financial Services at the Ministry of SOEs, Muhammad Khoerur Roziqin, ensured that the process towards the corporate action was in the final stages.

Roziqin explained that if Bank Mandiri as the largest shareholder in BSI would still maintain its share ownership portion.

Meanwhile, the portion of BNI and BRI shares is said to be diluted.

But unfortunately, Roziqin was reluctant to reveal the exact dilution of share ownership from both of them.

"For this rights issue program, Mandiri will maintain its ownership, then from a little diluted BNI, BRI is diluted," he said at the Ministry of SOEs, Thursday, December 15.

Roziqin explained that one of the reasons for Mandiri to maintain his share portion in BSI was due to an injection of funds or chip-in funds of around Rp200 billion.

"If BRI is diluted but still maintains above 15 percent more. Not less than 15 percent," he said. Public Stock Portion Will Increase

Roziqin added that the dilution of shares that occurred in BNI and BRI was due to increasing the portion of public shares.

Referring to the previous data, the portion of public shares was 7.07 percent.

Regarding the strategic investors who will enter, Roziqin is reluctant to speak in more detail.

He only emphasized that this corporate action would increase the portion of public ownership.

"But from this, yes, from the market. Not a strategic investor. Right now there are how many markets, there are 7 comas, right from the market floating," he said.

"Later, we want to increase it above 7 for example, to 8 or how much. Now, there is automatically a dilute, now the solution is from there," he continued.

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