PT PLN (Persero) provides nutritious food needs and is ready to eat for refugees from the eruption of Mount Semeru through food trucks as a form of corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL).

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo explained that every day 800 packages of ready-to-eat food are distributed to refugees at the Candipuro field evacuation post. PLN ensures the cleanliness and nutritional standards of the food trucks produced.

"Through this foodtruck, PLN provides healthy and nutritious food so that it can relieve grief and give the refugees the spirit to rise. They also don't need to worry about anything else while they are here, because everything has been facilitated, including to meet the needs of their families," said Darmawan, in a written statement, Sunday, December 11.

PLN has alerted 15 personnel in a foodtruck to process nutritious food ingredients to more than 800 servings of food per day. "We also complete it with vitamins, milk and bread. Hopefully, it will be able to meet the food and nutrition needs of residents affected by the eruption of Mount Semeru here and raise enthusiasm," he added.

Volunteers for the Foot of Mount Semeru, Dani Nurdiansyah, admitted that they were helped by the assistance that continued to be provided by PLN, ranging from logistics to health services.

"We are greatly helped by the role of PLN in handling the evacuation of residents. Coordination is also running smoothly with the recovery of electricity, thank you," continued Dani.

Similarly, Refugees from Sumbermujur, Budi said his experience in evacuation. "Alhamdulillah, I feel helped and facilitated in the evacuation. There is also ready-to-eat food from PLN, so there is no need to be confused, thank you," said Budi.

Not only lowering food trucks, PLN first restores electricity in Lumajang after the eruption, last Sunday, December 4.

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