JAKARTA - In order to realize the growth and progress of the City of Jakarta through its support for the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government program, Bank DKI continues to strengthen its commitment to synergy and collaboration between BUMDs.

Most recently, Bank DKI facilitated the opening of accounts and payment of salaries for PAM Jaya's new employees through the "Landing of Offering Letter 1,097 PAM Jaya Private Partner Employees" ceremony at the Jakarta International Equestrian Park Pulomas (JIEP), East Jakarta, Wednesday, December 7. Also present at the ceremony, Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono, President Director of Bank DKI, Fidri Arnaldy, and President Director of PAM Jaya, Arief Nasrudin.

The 1,097 new employees came from PAM Jaya's strategic partners, namely PT PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (PALYJA) and PT Aetra Air Jakarta (Aetra Jakarta). The recruitment of these employees was carried out before the end of PAM Jaya's cooperation with PALYJA and Aetra Jakarta in the transition of operational takeover and water consumption in DKI Jakarta from the private sector.

Bank DKI President Director Fidri Arnaldy revealed, in addition to serving the payment of salaries for PAM Jaya employees, Bank DKI is ready to serve the transaction payments for PAM Jaya customers' bills.

"The synergy between Bank DKI and PAM Jaya is a form of ecosystem collaboration in BUMD, all BUMD transactions in DKI Jakarta can be handled by Bank DKI," said Fidri in a written statement.

For information, Bank DKI provides water bill payment facilities through the JakOne Mobile application. The public can choose the PDAM bill payment feature, select a water service provider company to then enter a payment code and check bills. In addition, the public can also pay water bills through Bank DKI ATM machines.

Furthermore, Fidri said that this collaboration was carried out not only as a form of collaboration, but also as an effort to build a positive business ecosystem between BUMDs belonging to DKI Jakarta Province. Through this collaboration, it is also hoped that it will increase the business potential between the Company (BUMD) more optimally.

"As a financial backbone collaborator, Bank DKI will continue to prioritize proactive initiative steps in collaborating with good business potentials involving DKI Provincial Government programs, DKI Jakarta BUMD Company projects, and other agencies, all of which are part of the big business chain of DKI Jakarta Province," he explained.

He gave an example, cooperation in the development of PAM Jaya can be carried out through a syndicated scheme that can later be used for the construction of a drinking water supply system (SPAM).

As a form of fulfilling drinking water for the community, the government has planned the construction of several drinking water supply systems (SPAM) with a total investment of IDR 23.80 trillion from the period 2023 to 2027. The SPAMs built include the Jatiluhur I (CiliNCing and Pondok Kopi area) and Karian Serpong (Semanan area) phase one in 2023-2024, Jatiluhur I (East Flood Canal Area) and Karian Serpong (Semanan and Pegadungan area) phase two in 2023-2027, as well as internal SPAM DKI Jakarta area upstream and downstream in Buaran III and Pesanggrahan-Ciliwung in 2023-2027.

Still on the same occasion, Bank DKI's Commercial and Institutional Director, Herry Djufraini said, as one of the DKI Jakarta BUMDs, Bank DKI is not only focused on growing the company's performance, but also puts its role as a development agent, one of which is through synergy and collaboration between BUMDs.

"Through the synergy and collaboration that has been built with the BUMD of DKI Jakarta Province, Bank DKI is ready to support various programs launched by BUMD so as to provide added value and increase the competitiveness of each Company, and contribute to development in DKI Jakarta," said Herry.

Bank DKI Corporate Secretary, Arie Rinaldi added, various collaborations with BUMD that were formed were efforts to create a transaction ecosystem and business in DKI Jakarta.

"Bank DKI continues to build collaborations with BUMD, SKPD DKI Jakarta, and other agencies, in order to support DKI Jakarta Provincial Government programs, including the BUMD digitization ecosystem, as well as the payment ecosystem for each DKI Jakarta BUMD customer and those affiliated with it," concluded Arie.

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