JAKARTA - The Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI) or Indonesia Eximbank emphasized its support for law enforcement and consistently applies zero tolerance to corruption in the company's work environment as well as being ready to continue to implement good corporate governance.

LPEI Executive Director Riyani Tirtoso said LPEI as a Special Mission Vehicle under the government, namely the Indonesian Ministry of Finance, always respects law enforcement steps in handling corruption cases involving the company's internals in the 2014-2018 period.

"We will follow the process in accordance with applicable regulations and will cooperate during the legal process as a form of LPEI's responsibility in implementing good corporate governance," Riyani said in a statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Monday 5 December.

Riyani explained that in order to strengthen LPEI's governance and implementation of the mandate, since 2020 several initiatives have been carried out, including ensuring that LPEI officials report their wealth in the 100 percent State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN).

Then, LPEI together with the KPK and the Inspector General of the Ministry of Finance carried out awareness training regarding zero to gratification and anti-corruption. Then, the company updated the Conflict of Internal Charter and Integrity Pact in 2020.

Furthermore, the company implemented a code of conduct with clear and strict sanctions in various business activities to prevent irregularities.

"Finally, improving the quality of human resources in order to anticipate future business risks, including strengthening the function of monitoring," said Riyani.

LPEI is committed to channeling financing to sectors that have leverage and multiplier effect on exports, income and additional employment, and always refer to the mandate given to increase product competitiveness and encourage national strategic industries.

The trial of the corruption case in the implementation of national export financing by LPEI has been completed. The panel of judges has sentenced him to prison between four years and six years, plus a replacement fine of approximately Rp. 3 trillion.

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