JAKARTA - The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) and Cooperation Contract Contract Contractors (KKKS) have successfully completed drilling 616 development wells throughout 2022.

"Until October 2022, what has been done by SKK Migas and KKKS has exceeded the achievement of the same period last year," said Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto in an official statement, Tuesday, November 29.

Dwi added that the achievement until October reached 165 percent compared to October 2021, which was 373 wells.

When compared with the realization of development well drilling in 2021 which as many as 480 wells, the drilling achievement of development wells until October 2022 has defeated the achievement in 2021.

On the other hand, until October 2022, workrover activities have been carried out for 542 wells and well services for 25,020 wells.

Compared to the October 2021 achievement for workover activities that reached 472 wells and well services as many as 18,690 wells, the October 2022 achievement was 115 percent and 134 percent higher.

In fact, there are more well service activities until October 2022 than the realization of well service activities in 2021, which number 22,790 wells.

"The realization prognosis for drilling development wells in 2022 is 800 wells or higher than those set at WPnB 2022 of 790 wells. It is estimated that the realization of workover activities in 2022 will reach 629 wells and the activity of well service is 30,012 wells or above the workover target of 581 wells and 29,582 for well service," added Dwi.

To support the implementation of the drilling program, currently the number of rigs operating is 40 rigs, 30 of which are offshore rigs and 10 offshore.

Total investment drilling reached 1.73 billion US dollars (ytd) from the outlook of 1.98 billion US dollars and projections in WP&B 2022 amounted to 2.66 billion US dollars.

In the future, continued Dwi, SKK Migas will continue to encourage even more massive work programs and better management of production facilities so that they can operate more optimally.

"Through the combination of 2 (two) moves, we are optimistic that in 2023 the trend of oil and gas production will increase again from this year, and we are committed to continuing to take the best steps so that oil and gas production continues to increase in order to achieve the target of 2030 oil production of 1 million barrels per day (BOPD) and gas 12 billion cubic feet of gas per day (BSCFD)," concluded Dwi.

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