YOGYAKARTA Vulnerable chickens are now being taken into account by the younger generation. The reason is that the opportunity to benefit from village chickens is quite tempting. In addition, there are many advantages that exist in this type of chicken.

For those of you who want to try to cultivate kampong chicken, it's a good idea to know tips to the basic things of chicken farming, which is as follows.

Village chickens are a type of chicken that is sought after both in terms of meat and eggs. Both are used for culinary dishes to traditional herbal medicine. The large number of village chicken needs makes farmers try to cultivate this type of chicken, either to meet culinary or contestary needs. To do cultivation, the steps that must be prepared are as follows.

Kandang is used as a home for chickens. Breeders are required to build cages to protect chickens from other animals or prevent them from escaping. To build cages, consider the following things.

Choosing a mother must be right because it will affect eggs and chicken cubs. Try to choose a good village chicken by taking into account the following things.

Breeders must also pay attention to the feed given to chickens in the cage. feed can be in the form of milling or flattened corn, rice, bekatul, or other foods made by yourself or available in livestock stores.

Once everything is available, you can start the village chicken wedding process. To do so, pay attention to the following things.

The process of determining must be considered if you want to increase the number of village chickens. However, if you want to sell eggs, the determination process can be passed.

Determination of village chicken eggs takes 14 to 20 days with the help of tools. But naturally, the time it takes is longer, which is around 25-35 days. You can make an egg determination box by adding a 10 watt ball lamp.

After the egg hatches into chicken cubs, the treatment is slightly extra, both in terms of feed and cages. Chicken can be given lebuted milling corn or other foods according to the size and age of the chicken. Meanwhile, the cage should not be mixed because it is feared that the chicken will be attacked by adult chickens.

Sales of village chickens can be done in many places, from markets to social media. The target of breeders is culinary traders with the theme of chicken such as fried chicken, chicken noodles, gudeg, Javanese noodles, and many more.

Not much different, chicken eggs can also be sold to culinary traders. But you can sell it to traditional herbal vendors.

That's information regarding how village chicken farming. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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