JAKARTA - Marketing and selling are two important things that need to be considered in business. But apart from these two things, you also need to pay attention to good relationships with your customers.

This is because good customer relationships can provide many benefits for the business. For example, such as increasing customer satisfaction and creating customer loyalty.

Then, how to build good relations with customers?

1. Communicate consistently

Every good relationship is built over time and effort to keep it. Businesses must communicate with their customers regularly on relevant platforms. For example such as social media, live chats, emails, and more.

In this case, you can also use the Omnichannel app to integrate your entire business communication channel. Thus, your business can have the consistency of program and service alignment in every channel that your customers visit.

2. Understanding customer value

To understand customer value, you need to listen to what they want. Next, take an approach to meeting these expectations.

Some people may want more personal interactions, but some don't like to be too fussy. Businesses must learn to be sensitive to these things. So that it can provide the best service that can satisfy customers.

The use of software sales such as CRM sales can help you to find out the needs of customers based on their report and shopping history. This is because sales applications can help businesses to monitor customer journeys appropriately.

3. Create more personal communication

Did you know that around 72 percent of customers are only involved in personalizing businesses?

This means that personalized communication with each customer is very important for business. For that, you need to convey customized messages for each customer to improve stronger customer relationships.

4. Use the feedback well

Receiving input from customers is very important to satisfy their needs. By acknowledging their mistakes and handling their complaints properly, the customer will feel more valued.

In this case, you can also use ticketing application assistance to help receive and manage feedback from your customers. So, there will be no more customers who feel disappointed.

5. Show that you really care

In general, customers will be happy when a business is friendly and personal. Find interesting details about them and discuss them naturally. The key is sincere, because customers can see made up intentions.

Use supporting tools such as helpdesk apps to build quality customer service and provide the best experience for your customers.

6. Adjust with brand image

Every business certainly has its own brand image, as well as your business. Therefore, you need to adjust how you communicate and serve your business customers.

Make sure all employees who deal directly with customers have the same understanding of your business brand image. Given, they must be able to reflect on the value held by the company.

7. Use a customer relationship support application

Without continued interactions with customers, businesses will not succeed in establishing long-term relationships with them. This is because one purchase alone is not enough to build customer loyalty.

Therefore, businesses can use the CRM application to provide a complete picture of customers, track and analyze interactions with customers, and manage customer sales and services.

Not only that, CRM software is also equipped with various advanced features that can help businesses to manage marketing, sales, and customer service effectively in one integrated platform.

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