SOUTH KALIMANTAN - PT PLN (Persero) flows voltage or energy line high voltage (SUTT) 150 kiloVolt (kV) Selaru-Sebuku. The impact of this transmission development of thousands of customers can enjoy electricity without being constrained by time limits.

A total of 1,981 PLN customers on Sebuku Island, South Kalimantan, who previously only had electricity for 12 hours, could enjoy 24-hour electricity.

"Alhamdulillah, with the success of this high-voltage distribution, people in the Sebuku Island sub-district can enjoy 24-hour electricity, and of course the Sebuku industrial area will develop faster," said the Regional Secretary of Kota Baru Regency, Said Akhmad in his statement, Sunday, November 20.

The presence of this infrastructure will also support the industrial needs of PT Sebuku Iron Lateritic Ores (SILO).

General Manager of PLN East Kalimantan Development Main Unit (UIP KLT) Josua Simanungkalit explained that the transmission construction length reached 76.04 kilometers of circuits (kms).

In its implementation, he continued, the construction of the 150 kV Selaru-Sebuku SUTT will be supported by 114 towers.

Regarding the details, Josua said as many as 6 towers were built just above the waters of the Sebuku Strait, of which 3 towers are special towers that have more altitude than standard towers.

This, continued Josua, was to accommodate ship traffic in the waters of the Sebuku Strait.

As for the construction of the 150 kV Selaru-Sebuku SUTT, PLN issued an investment of IDR 175.64 billion.

Furthermore, Joshua said that 86.70 percent of the Domestic Component Level (TKDN) was used by PLN in the development of this transmission. And able to absorb up to 539 local workers," he added.

Josua added, with the completion and operation of this transmission, PLN is increasingly ready to electrify customer needs, including high-voltage customers. He also appreciated all parties involved in the operation of SUTT 150 kV SelaruSebuku

"We thank all stakeholders who support the progress of South Kalimantan Province through the development of electricity infrastructure," said Josua.

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