JAKARTA - The Indonesian government is seriously promoting a net zero emission (NZE) target by 2060 or sooner.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif said, at the energy transition roadmap to reach NZE, the government is targeting to reach the 2021-2025 stage, the number of electric vehicles is 300,000 cars and 1.3 million motorcycle units.

"Meanwhile, in the 2026-2030 stage, the number of electric vehicles is targeted at 2 million cars and 13 million motorcycle units," he said in an official statement, quoted on Tuesday, November 15.

He further said that Indonesia will produce 1.5 giga tons of CO2 by 2060 if Indonesia only conducts business as usual without any effort to shift using more environmentally friendly energy.

For this reason, one of the efforts made, according to him, is to switch to using electric vehicles, in which electric vehicles do not emit exhaust emissions so that they are more environmentally friendly.

Furthermore, Arifin described the current condition of the transportation sector, where the number of vehicles in Indonesia reaches more than 140 million units.

"Of these, it is dominated by two-wheeled vehicles (motorcycles), which number around 120 million units," said Arifin.

He described that if a motorcycle consumes 1 liter of fuel per day, it is equivalent to about 1 million barrels of oil. And if it is adjusted to the current price of oil, then the nominal amount of money burned is more than 100 million US dollars per day.

"That's why the government has a program to convert fuel-based motorcycles into electric motors," Arifin concluded.

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