JAKARTA - The government has issued policies to increase the use of domestic products (P3DN) and import substitutions. This year, the target is IDR 400 trillion from government spending, both from the central and regional levels.

To oversee the target related to this, the Inspectorate General as the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP) within the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) in 2023 will focus on monitoring the increase in P3DN within the ministry.

As a strategic step so that the supervision of the P3DN can run effectively and efficiently, the APIP of the Ministry of Industry plans audit cooperation (joint audit) with the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) which will be stated in a Joint Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

"Through the joint audit, it is hoped that P3DN supervision will present real conditions and provide comprehensive recommendations in the context of improving governance, as well as the strategies needed to accelerate the achievement of P3DN targets within the Ministry of Industry," said Inspector General of the Ministry of Industry Masrokhan, at the 2022 Supervision Coordination Meeting with the theme 'Sinergi Starting Domestic Products Forming Independent Industries' at the Yogyakarta Tentrem Hotel, Thursday 10 November.

He said the success and effectiveness of internal supervision would not be realized without collaboration, as well as synergy between APIP and all work units or Work Units within the Ministry of Industry.

"Therefore, we are grateful that at the Rakorwas last year a joint understanding was signed between APIP and all Echelon I Units as stated in the Bali Commitment," said Masrokhan.

As a follow-up to the Bali Commitment, said Masrokhan, his party hopes that all leaders of the Echelon I Unit, leaders of work units or work units, as well as all employees, will once again declare a joint commitment to increase the use of domestic products, as well as implement risk management culture in their respective environments.

"Furthermore, this commitment will be outlined and named as Yogya Commitment," he explained.

In general, internal supervision within the Ministry of Industry in 2023 is planned to focus on five strategic areas, including P3DN supervision, performance supervision and high-risk activities, monitoring and evaluation of industrial sector policies, consulting on the implementation of risk management, and accelerating the completion of follow-up follow-up results from internal and external supervision.

"International supervision, especially related to the focus of supervision, will run effectively, and be able to provide added value if it is supported by the active role of all work units or work units. The participation of work units or work units on internal supervision can be done by implementing good governance, as well as adequate risk management and internal control in carrying out tasks and functions in their respective work unit environments," he added.

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