YOGYAKARTA The term precious metal may be familiar to those who like to be involved in investment. One type of precious metal that investors are interested in is gold.

Gold is called a precious metal because of its unoxidated nature. This special property is that the value of gold does not fade easily or break. So, what metals are included in the type of precious metal?

The precious metal consists of gold (Au), silver (Ag), platina (Pt), iridium (Ir), palladium (pd), and rhodium (Rh).

Compiled by VOI from various sources, Wednesday, November 9, 2022, the following is an explanation of each type of precious metal above:

In the periodic table of elements (chemicals), gold is symbolized as Au which stands for Au.

Quoted from the official website of the Directorate General of State Assets of the Ministry of Finance, Gold is soft and easy to forge metal. The violence ranges from 2.5 (Mohs scale), and the weight of the type depends on the type and content of other metals combined with it.

Gold is formed from the process of magmatism or surface-concentration. Some deposits are formed because of the contact metasomatism process and hydrothermal solutions, while mechanical concentration producesjunction deposits (clacers). The gold genea is categorized into two, namely the primary Endapan and Endapan placer.

Gold is used as a financial standard in many countries and is also used as jewelry and electronics.

Not only that, gold is also traded in the form of gold coins. There are several countries that mass-produce gold coins and are offered as investment instruments, such as Australia, China, Malaysia, Canada, UK, United States, South Africa, New Zealand, Singapore, Austria, and Indonesia.

The higher the level, the more expensive the price of gold, and vice versa. Its value also tends to be stable and safer when inflation occurs. Therefore, it is not surprising that gold becomes a precious metal that investors hunt the most.

The next type of precious metal is silver. Similar to gold, silver is also used as an investment instrument.

Silver is defined as one of the mineral ingredients of the earth's products. In the element periodic table, silver has the Ag symbol with atom number 47.

Silver is a soft, white and glossy transition metal. Silver can be a good electrical conductor, has a high selling value and is one of the precious metals that does not experience a corrosive process.

Platina is a type of precious metal that is often used as the raw material for making jewelry.

Platina has several advantages, such as being exposed to heat and not fading easily. Platina is included in the type of precious metal that investors choose to invest in.

Similar to the three types of precious metals above, rhodium has carat resistance. Not only that, this metal luminosity is much stronger and is able to reflect the object very well.

Rhodium is often used for jewelry, mirror making, spotlights, turbine engines on the aircraft, nitric acid-making materials, and other organic compounds.

Iridium is a precious metal that is resistant to corrosion, it can even survive at extreme air temperatures.

Paladium is a precious metal that is often used to make jewelry. In the automotive field, palladium is useful as a catalyst to control emission exhaust gases.

In addition, Paladium is also often used in the world of medicine, medicine, hydrogen purification, and also electronics. Paladium is a precious metal that is rare and is only found in a few countries.

Paladium is a suitable choice for investment, because the price tends to rise year after year.

That's the information about the type of precious metal. May it be useful!

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