JAKARTA - Secretary General of the Indonesian Cigarette Factory Association (GAPPRI) Willem Petrus Riwu said that the eradication of illegal cigarettes is fully the responsibility and authority of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise.

In fact, Willem said that the eradication of illegal cigarettes must be extraordinary because it is an extraordinary crime.

According to him, the current structure of the circulation of illegal cigarettes is very strong. "Sometimes the factory only looks and provides information if requested," Willem said in a written statement, Tuesday, November 8.

Furthermore, he thought that eradicating it was quite difficult and some law enforcers from Customs and Excise actually became victims.

"Our suggestion is that we eradicate safe illegal cigarettes, don't increase the excise rate too high so that price differences are not too big between legal and illegal cigarettes," he said.

Regarding data on the circulation of illegal cigarettes, Willem said that data like this cannot be provided, except for the Central Statistics Agency (BPS).

"My experience has ultimately become detrimental and makes it difficult for the factory. We see that the main task force is industrial development, labor development, and farmer development. They should have that data," he said.

To note, illegal cigarettes are cigarettes circulating in Indonesia, both from domestic and imported products that do not follow the applicable rules in Indonesian jurisdictions.

As for the characteristics of illegal cigarettes, among others, they are not attached to excise stamps (liquitous cigarettes), attached with excise stamps that do not match their designation, are attached with fake excise stamps, and attached with used excise stamps.

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