JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) is said to have just launched the iDebKu application in order to provide more optimal services to consumers in the financial services sector.

Chief Executive of Banking Supervision Dian Ediana Rae said this latest facility can increase the ease of access to debtor information because it is carried out in an integrated and integrated manner between the center and the regions.

"This makes the financial system in Indonesia more integrated, broad and provides more benefits so that people trust the Indonesian financial industry more, as well as part of consumer protection," he said in a written statement on Tuesday, November 8.

Dian explained that the iDebKu application, which is a service application, provides debtor information to the public, can be accessed online and offline through the walk-in service.

"The service of providing debtor information to the public, including through the iDebKu application, is free or free of charge," he said.

Dian said that the iDebKu application was developed in line with the 2021-2025 SLIK AP, namely for Quality Improvement of SLIK to the Community with several advantages.

First, improve the quality of service providing debtor information to the public quickly, easily and safely.

Two, increasing efficiency and effectiveness of the process of providing debtor information services for internal OJK with integration with SLIK and in the future will be integrated with Dukcapil

Third, minimize the potential for human error through the automation of the service process. And the last is to provide debtor information services to the public in an integrated manner between the Head Office, Regional Office and OJK Office in one application.

"In the future, with the iDebKu application, it is hoped that public access to debtor information will be easier and debtor information services by the OJK can be carried out in an integrated and integrated manner," he said.

"In addition, OJK will continue to improve the quality and capacity of services for providing debtor information to the public so that it can be faster, easier and safer," he concluded.

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