JAKARTA - The Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah asked all workers to improve their competence so that Indonesia is free from the world recession which is expected to occur in 2023.

"I think it's a good momentum, we don't have time to talk about a recession. Come on people lying down, wake up to realize that what is needed now is to upgrade yourself, skilling, up-skilling, and re-skilling," Ida said as quoted by Antara, Sunday.

Ida said that instead of being shrouded in fear due to the discussion of the recession, the whole community should hurry to improve their abilities, so they can survive in the job market and help build the nation to survive the 2023 recession.

Moreover, the problem currently being faced is the low ability to keep up with digitization and many jobs will be lost in the future.

Therefore, in order to improve the competence of the workforce, the Ministry of Manpower has currently opened vocational education and vocational training to increase the competitiveness of the workforce and reduce unemployment.

Another thing that the Ministry of Manpower has done, said Ida, is to transform the Vocational Training Center (BLK) which is now called the Vocational and Productivity Training Center (BPVP).

"We carried out this transformation to transform the BLK in a revolutionary way into a center for competency development and workforce productivity that is competitive both at the national and international levels," she said.

Ida added that the government is also trying to increase public attractiveness and trust and institutional reforms to improve service performance, conduct training innovations that can answer contemporary employment challenges, revitalize facilities, facilities, and infrastructure to improve quality and partnerships in collaboration with various stakeholders.

"All of our vocational training is based on competency standards, both the National Work Competency Standards (SKKNI), special standards, and international standards, which are also integrated," she said.

The Ministry of Manpower also ensures that there is a link and match, where vocational training, competency certification, and placement of workers become a unified whole.

All vocational training is linked to the Labor Market Information System so that all training alumni are directly absorbed into the job market.

Ida explained, through the SIAPkerja digital ecosystem (Information System and Employment Service Applications), the Ministry of Manpower provides integrated employment services and can be used easily, both by the community, companies, ministries/agencies, local governments, and training institutions.

Then offline, especially for people who do not have digital access, SIAPkerja platforms in industrial areas and special economic zones, SIAPkerja kiosks in training centers and employment agencies in the regions, and Bale SIAPkerja in villages are already connected digital in the READY to work ecosystem.

"So don't talk about recession, let's just answer, let's hurry ourselves, fix ourselves and see if we already have the competencies needed in the job market," she said.

Meanwhile, the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Airlangga Hartanto said he was optimistic that Indonesia's economic growth next year would still be in good condition.

Because, according to him, Indonesia's economic growth in 2023 is expected to grow positively, reaching 5.2 to 5.3 percent.

"Who said that Indonesia is going into a recession?," said Airlangga.

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