JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) is said to have just officially launched the internal application of One Ministry of Finance which is expected to improve the performance of the Nagara Dana Rakca employees.

Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati stated, this step cannot be separated from the challenges faced every year that continue to change.

According to him, in dealing with these challenges, it is not uncommon to form a new culture and strengthen the culture that currently exists.

"The challenges need not only to be responded to, but in a way that we respond to a challenge, they also form a new culture or strengthen the existing culture within the Ministry of Finance," he said on Friday, October 28.

The Minister of Finance explained that as state treasurers who are given the authority to take care of large and complex state finances, the Ministry of Finance must be equipped with a good ecosystem device.

So, he continued, it can provide added value and transform the country's economy towards its intended goals.

"If we don't have value and also a culture that forms the mindset and forms our workings, then we will only become an organization," he said.

For information, the infiltration of the One Ministry of Finance application is a translation of the Ministry of Finance One concept, especially related to information technology support.

jelaskan jika aplikasi Satu Kemenkeu merupakan ekosistem dari aplikasi yang ada di lingkungan Kementerian Keuangan.

The application is considered to be effective in building a new culture in working that is more agile, flexible, responsive, but still consistent with the goal.

"From the point of view to the attitude and behavior of that one, hopefully we can achieve the goals of the organization that we have set as well as possible," he concluded.

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