JAKARTA The National Housing Development General Company or Perum Perumnas is known to have managed to record positive performance this year.

The Marketing Director of Perumnas Tambok Setyawati said the moncer achievement could not be separated from the government's support through the fiscal policy taken. He explained that the implementation of property Value Added Tax (VAT) incentives also boosted the sale of Perumnas.

"Demands are clearly increasing, especially for the first period (2021) for the selling price of houses/apartments of a maximum of 1 billion," he said when met in Jakarta on Wednesday, October 19.

According to Tambok, similar results were also inscribed for the second period of this year. He said, the property VAT incentives that just ended last September made consumer demand soar.

"The growth is quite large, especially those located in areas and outside Java, it is above 15 percent growth," he said.

Tambok added, as a government entity under the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Perumnas focuses on working on the middle low segment. This market also recorded the most increase.

The most (growth) medium-middle and middle-low segments or dominant at a price of IDR 500 million. So around that's the most sold house," he said.

For information, Perum Perumnas is a state-owned business entity that has the main task of providing housing and settlements for the lower middle class.

Several large-scale residential areas have been built covering the areas of Bogor, Tangerang, Depok and Bekasi, which have now developed, into new cities and function as buffer cities for the capital Jakarta.

Meanwhile, the operational area coverage is from Sabang to Merauke with more than 187 cities and 400 development sites throughout Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the government will impose a property VAT incentive starting in 2021 with the provision of VAT exemption for purchase of houses under Rp. 2 billion, as well as a 50 percent VAT discount for the purchase of houses worth Rp. 2 billion-Rp. 5 billion.

Then the fiscal facility will continue in 2022 with the VAT scheme borne by the government at 50 percent for the highest house sales of IDR 2 billion and 25 percent for the price range of IDR 2 billion to IDR 5 billion.

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