YOGYAKARTA - The transfer of the capital city to the archipelago forgot Indonesia's steps to build a new work culture, thought and of course a new economic base as explained by President Joko Widodo.

Hal sebesar ini berani dipilihnya demi kemajuan bangsa tentunya. tentunya ada peluang investasi di IKN yaitu?

"If we don't dare to transform from now on, it will be difficult for us to become a developed country," said the President in his remarks at an activity entitled The capital city of the Archipelago of New Civilization History at The Ballroom Djakarta Theater, Jakarta, on Tuesday, October 18, 2022.

As reported by President.go.id, the President explained, the archipelago is Indonesia's future which can be formed by joint efforts from all parties, including investors.

For this reason, the Indonesian government opens up opportunities for investors to participate in creating the transformation of Indonesian civilization.

The archipelago can be formed with joint efforts, not just the government moving because the government is only more or less preparing 20 percent of the existing budget. "We provide 85 percent of us with opportunities for investors, towards investment," he continued.

In fact, on that occasion, President Jokowi invited investors to choose to invest in any sector. that, said the President, is a golden opportunity that will not be repeated.

"In the financial center, in the healthcare center area, in the educational center area, in the housing area, in the tourism area, please," he added.

Furthermore, the Head of State said that the relocation of the capital city to the capital city of the archipelago (IKN) had been stated in Law Number 3 of 2022 regarding the State Capital. For this reason, the President asked investors not to hesitate to invest in IKN.

The legal umbrella is clear, namely Law Number 3 of 2022. That has been approved by 93 percent of the factions in the DPR. What else is lacking? If there is something that is still not sure, tell it later. So once again, there is no need to be questioned anymore," said the President.

Also attending the activity were the Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly Bambang Soesatyo, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir, Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa, and Head of the IKN Authority Agency Bambang Susanto.

Also present were Kadin Chairman Arsjad Rasyid, IKN Advisory Board Tony Blair, and Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono.

So after knowing the investment opportunities in IKN, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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