JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) through the Directorate General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (Ditjen EBTKE) is supported by Commission VII DPR RI and local governments, inaugurating the installation of 450 units of Information on the General Street Solar Power (PJU-TS) in Papua Province.

This is the government's commitment to manage the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) for energy infrastructure development whose benefits are felt directly by the community.

Secretary of the Directorate General of EBTKE Sahid Junaidi said the government will always continue to carry out programs that are of direct benefit to the community. One of them is the PJU-TS program, which according to him, is a solution for access to electricity for street lighting in areas that are difficult to reach the PLN network.

"It is a happiness for us (the government) to be able to present energy infrastructure that can be useful in these three districts," said Sahid in an official statement, Saturday, October 15. The installation of PJU-TS in Papua Province, continued Sahid, is a program for the 2021 Fiscal Year of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources through the Directorate General of EBTKE on the aspirations of the people conveyed through Commission VII DPR RI.

The 450 PJU-TS points that were inaugurated were spread across three regencies in Papua Province, namely 70 units of Jayawijaya Regency, 100 units of Lanny Jaya Regency and 280 units of Yahukimo Regency. All points have been installed and operate well, providing benefits and lighting for the community.

"Alhamdulillah, the entire point has been installed and is operating properly. The hope is that this can be maintained and maintained properly, so that the benefits can be felt longer by the surrounding community," said Said.

The same thing was conveyed by Member of Commission VII DPR Ina Elisabeth Kobak, he asked the public to take good care of the infrastructure that has been built by the government.

"With the PJU-TS lights, it can now illuminate the darkness of roads in villages in Papua. Let's protect and care together so that it can continue to be useful in the future," said Ina. On the same occasion, Jayawijaya Regent John Richard Banua, said that PJU-TS built in his area is very useful and helps the community to lighting roads and support activities at night.

In addition, according to him, in terms of the economy, the use of PJU-TS can also help the efficiency of spending by the Jayawijaya Regency Government to pay electricity bills, because PJU-TS does not require an energy source from PLN.

"If we build street lighting using PLN electricity, it will cost the regional budget, it is very complicated, but with this PJU-TS we can get free, and there is no need to pay the electricity bill," said Richard.

For information, the PJU-TS installation program that has been implemented by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources since 2015 has succeeded in installing 90,687 PJU-TS points throughout Indonesia. If in total, this amount is equivalent to lighting a 4,535 km long road. In 2021, 22.000 PJU-TS units have been built in 34 provinces or equivalent to lighting a 1,100 km long road.

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