Inflation In September Jebol 5.95 Percent, Pertalite Cs Increase As A Case Source
Head of BPS Margo Yuwono (Photo: Capture the BPS Youtube screen)

JAKARTA - The Central Statistics Agency reports that inflation based on the consumer price index (IHK) in September 2022 is 5.95 percent year on year (yoy).

This record is much higher than the previous two months, namely August which was 4.69 percent and July was 4.94 percent.

Head of BPS Margo Yuwono said this significant increase was influenced by several factors.

"Among them are increases in gasoline (pertalite), increases in city transportation rates, rice, diesel, intercity transportation rates, online vehicle rates, and food materials," he said when giving an explanation on Monday, October 3.

Margo explained, Inflation in the September period itself (monthly) was known at 1.17 percent.

"This September inflation is the highest since December 2014 where at that time there was 2.46 percent inflation as a result of the increase in fuel prices in November," he said.

Meanwhile, in the calendar year or January to September 2022, the inflation rate was recorded at 4.84 percent.

For information, the JCI inflation position on an annual basis last month which was 5.95 percent above the government's target in the 2022 State Budget Law which was 3 percent plus minus 1 percent. This is suspected to have occurred due to the turmoil in world prices and food since the beginning of this year.

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